About Us

Alliance for PROS Team:

Dr. Shouping Hu is co-founder and CEO of the Alliance. Dr. Hu is currently the Louis W. and Elizabeth N. Bender Endowed Professor and Director of the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University. His interests center on the improvement of postsecondary readiness, outcomes, and success. He has published extensively on those topics in top journals and published five books with highly regarded publishers. Dr. Hu serves as an editorial/advisory board member of Journal of Higher Education, Educational Researcher, Research in Higher Education, and Journal of College Student Development. He received his Ph.D. degree from Indiana University. Please visit Dr. Hu’s Google Scholar page for further information.

Dr. Tamara Bertrand Jones is the lead scientist in qualitative research for the Alliance. Dr. Bertrand Jones is currently an assistant professor of higher education and senior research associate at the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University. Her research interests center on the sociocultural influences of higher education for underrepresented populations.  Also, her work as a program evaluator and higher education administrator at two year and four-year institutions drive her work in culturally responsive assessment and evaluation.  Dr. Bertrand Jones serves as an editorial board member of the Journal of Negro Education. She received her Ph.D. degree from Florida State University.

Dr. Fengfeng Ke is the lead scientist in technology for the Alliance. Dr. Ke is currently an associate professor in educational psychology and learning systems and senior research associate at the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University. Her current research work involves designing, developing, and evaluating immersive, technology-integrated learning systems for learners with diverse needs. She received her Ph.D. degree from Penn State University.

Dr. Toby Park is the lead scientist in quantitative research for the Alliance. Dr. Park is currently an assistant professor of economics of education and educational policy and associate director of the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University. He utilizes quasi-experimental methods and large statewide datasets to investigate student outcomes in postsecondary education and explore potential policy initiatives that could improve student success, with a particular focus on non-traditional students. His work has appeared in the Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Teachers College Record, Educational Researcher, and the Community College Journal of Research and Practice. He received his Ph.D. degree from Vanderbilt University.

Dr. David Tandberg is the director of external relations for the Alliance. He is currently principal policy analyst at SHEEO. Previously, Dr. Tandberg served as an associate professor of higher education and an associate director of the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University. Dr. Tandberg has interests that center on state higher education policy, finance, politics, governance and economics. His research has appeared in Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Policy, among other outlets. He earned a B.A. in history and government and secondary education/social studies from Adams State College and a M.A. in political science and a Ph.D. in higher education from Penn State University.

Dr. Monoka Venters is the project manager for the Alliance. Previously, she worked at the State University System of Florida Board of Governors as a senior policy advisor to the chancellor and the Board, a policy analyst in the academic and student affairs unit, and a research associate for the general counsel. Her research interests include understanding the factors behind the development of education policy and the legal aspects of higher education, including federal policies designed to assist low-income students prepare for and enroll in college.  She received her Ph.D. degree from Florida State University.

Dr. Jean Rettig is a research associate for the Alliance. Dr. Rettig is currently an adjunct faculty in higher education at Florida State University. Her research interests include higher education finance, student-athlete engagement, and student outcomes. She received her Ph.D. degree from Florida State University.

The Alliance for PROS LLC also has an extensive network of contractors and advisors working together on critical issues related to student postsecondary readiness, outcomes, and success.